Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Friday! Today was a wonderful day to end the week. The students did an awesome job staying focused despite the warm temperature. 

We wrapped up our study of the Mass today. We reviewed the order of the Mass and our responses. We even drew pictures showing what happens at Mass. 

We also wrapped up our story in Language Arts class. We reviewed our sight words, vowels in book, and inflected endings. We then took our test on the story Dot and Jabber. We also reviewed sentences; we identified sentences written correctly and wrote sentences correctly. In addition we wrote our first narrative paragraph about the Christmas play. 

Our sixth grade buddies came to us today with a special present. They created a book for the first graders to keep. They wrote about the interests of their first grade buddy. The first graders were so excited about this keepsake. 

In Math class today we learned how to subtract 10 from a number. It is just like counting backwards by 10. 

For Science class today, we talked about simple machines. We learned that they make our lives easier. Some of the simple machines we talked about include ramps, wheels, pulleys, and levers. We will be reading more about simple machines next week in Language Arts. 

Finally it was time for Art class. We worked on a special project for Mother's Day. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. For all of the mom's - I hope you have a special day on Sunday. Thank you for all that you do! 

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