Thursday, May 21, 2015

Back to Normal!

Today was a normal day; we had no schedule changes just a busy schedule. The students worked so hard today. 

In Religion class today, we talked about Mary. We discussed things that she would have done with Jesus and things she would have taught him. 

Language Arts class was busy. We reviewed several phonics skills: vowels au, aw, short e: ea, diphthongs oi and oy, and suffixes -er and -or. We also practiced our sight words. Next we worked on our fluency and comprehension. We partner read our story and then wrote three facts we learned about Alexander Graham Bell. At the end of the day, we added our writing to a telephone craft project. After all that reading, we took a test on the story. We then reviewed the pronouns I and me by using them in sentences. After that, we wrote the conclusion sentence in our narrative paragraph. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers. 

We learned new subtraction facts in Math class today. We learned the answers for subtracting half of a double fact (i.e. 18-9, 14-7, 8-4, etc.). We used pennies to help us solve these problems. 

Please remember that our field trip is tomorrow. Students are permitted to wear jean or shorts (weather permitting) and sneakers. Please remember to send a lunch. There is a gift shop at Living Treasures. If you send money, please place it in a labeled envelope. 

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