Monday, May 18, 2015

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We had an awesome start to our week. In Religion class this morning we talked about how when we help our families we share God's love with others. The students each wrote a way that they will try to help his/her family this week. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read vowels au and aw. We used our letter tiles to build words and wrote words in the -awn and -aw word families on the board. I am posting pictures of their lists; they do such an amazing jobs adding words to these families. 

In addition to learning the phonics skills, we talked about drawing conclusions when we read. We also learned how to use I and me when writing. Finally, we completed our graphic organizer for our narrative paragraph this week; we will be writing about the Hawk Walk. 

In Math class today, we learned how to count quarters. We will continue to practice counting quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. 

Just a reminder, that we will have Gym class tomorrow. Please have the students wear sneakers to school tomorrow. 

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