Thursday, May 28, 2015

Awards Day!

Greetings! Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. The students participated in their very first Awards Ceremony. This is the time each year that the students are honored and recognized for their hard work during the school year. The students were quite excited to receive their awards today! 

With the school year quickly coming to an end, we are still hard at work learning new things and practicing skills we have learned this year. In Religion class today, we talked about the saints. We learned that the saints are people who followed Jesus and lived like he did. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed prefixes un- and re- and long vowels i and o as well as our sight words. We then read our story Ben Franklin and His First Kite. This is a neat story telling of an experiment Ben did when he was a young child. We ended class by reviewing pronouns; we practiced using them in sentences. 

In Math class today, we learned how to write addition and subtraction fact families. We also learned 4 new subtraction facts. 

We ended the day with a special Science class. Today we learned the different parts of a plant and their function. We then labeled a plant to show each part. 

Tomorrow will be another busy and exciting day to end the week! 

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