Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Simple Machines!

Happy Wednesday! Today was a good day of learning in first grade. We began our day with Religion. We talked about how we can share God's love with our families. The students came up with some great examples for doing this. 

Our focus in Language Arts was all about simple machines. We read about levers, inclined planes, pulleys, and wheels and axles. We read about how they are alike and different and how they all help us to do work. I hope you enjoyed the story tonight! Before reading our story, we reviewed our phonics skills (diphthongs oi, oy and suffixes -er and -or) and our sight words. We even had time to work in our literacy centers and write our narrative paragraph about a trip we took. 

We were back inside for Gym class today. Today, we played kickball. The students are getting very good at playing this game. I encouraged them to play over the summer. 

In Math class today, we learned new subtraction facts: the difference of 2 facts. We used our linking cubes to help us solve these facts and then practiced these new facts.

We wrapped up our day with Social Studies class. Today we talked about laws. We learned that communities have laws to keep people safe and that government leaders help make the laws. We then talked about laws in our community. 

Have a wonderful night! 

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