Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Last Week of May

Greetings and Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. From the sounds of the children, it seems that they enjoyed the outdoors. I love hearing what they did over the the weekends. 

It is hard to believe that it is already the final week in May. Where did this month go? We began our day by attending Eucharistic Adoration. Spending quiet time in prayer is a great way to begin our day. 

In Language Arts class today we blended and read words with prefixes un- and re-. The students did great not only reading these words but also defining them. We also talked about the theme in a story. In addition, we looked at more pronouns and learned where to use them in sentences. 

During Math class today, we talked about probability. We defined the words impossible, certain, and likely and gave examples of each. Next we did an experiment with linking cubes. I put ten yellow linking cubes in a bag and kept picking one out. We learned that I was certain to get yellow and that it would be impossible to get another color. We then switched it up. I put nine yellow and one red linking cube in a bag. Each student had a turn to pick a linking cube. As expected, more yellow were picked then red. We said it was likely that we would get yellow but not certain. The students enjoyed this lesson. 

We worked on a special project to end the day. The students colored their own picture frame. We then added a class picture and went around the room signing each other's poster. When we were finished we had a keepsake poster to remember our first grade friends. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym class! 

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