Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Today was a crazy day - that is a crazy hair day. The students totally loved styling their hair all wild. I loved some of the creative ways they did too. Thanks for making today extra special for them. 

With our crazy hairdos, we learned many things today. In Religion, we talked about Ordinary Time in the Church year. We also prayed the last decade of the Glorious Mysteries. The students brought their rosary home so that they can continue praying with it throughout the year. 

In Language Arts, we worked in our literacy centers, identified nouns in sentences, and pre-planned our writing project. Tomorrow we are going to write about monsters. 

In Math class, we used pattern blocks to make a graph. We then answered questions about our graph. 

To continue our talk about pumpkins, today we discussed the life cycle of a pumpkin. We made a chain showing how a pumpkin grows. 

Tomorrow looks to be just exciting as we conclude Red Ribbon Week and as we practice with our 8th grade friends for the All Saints' Prayer Service. 

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