Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Nice Day

Today was just a nice day in first grade. The students worked hard and we we able to accomplish so much. 

It began with Religion class were we talked about Jesus as a youth. We discovered that he did the same things that we do today like play with friends, spend time with his family, and pray. We then used our imagination to draw or write about things we would have done with Jesus if we lived back then. 

In Language Arts class today we worked in our literacy centers. We used play-doh to spell our sight words and practiced building words with inflected endings. We also wrote about what animals do to help their young. 

In Math class, we identified ordinal position. 

To prepare for our author's visit tomorrow we read Elmer Blunt's Open House about a man who leaves his house unlocked for a day. The students laughed at all the things the animals did inside the house. We took it one step further by writing about what would happen if the school was left open at night. We are all excited for Matt Novak's visit tomorrow. 

Just a reminder that because of the visit, we will not have gym class tomorrow. 

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