Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Excitement in the Air!

Excitement was in the air today especially when the students saw snowflakes. We are also quite excited about Halloween tomorrow. 

We could not let the snow interrupt our day of learning though. We concluded our study on the Great Commandment by creating a mobile. The students drew ways to love God, love others, and love ourselves. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed digraphs and vowel sound al. We also listened to our story A Big Fish for Max. In addition, we finished our haunted house writing by decorating a haunted house and then using our thumbprints to add ghosts around the house. Here is a picture of a final masterpiece: 

In Math class, we talked about measurement. We then used linking cubes to measure the length and width of our desks. 

Our special treat for the day was a visit from St. Francis University. Students in the occupational therapy program came to talk to us about backpack safety. They talked about how to load books into our bookbag and even helped us to make sure our backpacks were fitted properly. We enjoyed their visit. 

Reminder that tomorrow is a jean day for the students! 

1 comment:

  1. I guess I should comment more often but this blog is wonderful. Keep up the good work.
