Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! When I greeted the students with this this morning, one student said 'Yeah, today is the real Halloween.' That brought a smile to my face. 

We had a frightfully good time today in first grade. We wrapped up our story A Big Fish for Max in Language Arts by taking our test on the story and reviewing digraphs sh and th and vowel sound al. We also wrote about our monsters. They will be hanging in the hallway for you to see during Parent-Teacher Conferences next week. 

In Math class today, we used a balance to weigh a pencil, crayon, eraser, and marker. We added pennies to one side until the balance was even. 

Our recess today was a celebration of the end of Red Ribbon Week. We exercised our right to be drug free by participating in various fitness stations in the gym. 

This afternoon we practiced with our 8th grade friends for tomorrow's prayer service. We are so excited for this. We hope you will come and see us. The service begins at 1:00 in the church. 

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