Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Columbus Day!

Today was a day of new discoveries in first grade! 

In Religion, we continued to talk about how Jesus helped and healed many people. We tied this into to the Gospel we heard over the weekend! 

During Language Arts class, we discovered how to blend and read words with short u. We also talked about cause and effect and about characteristics of questions. 

Math class today was spent reviewing our double facts by using a wrap-up. Please note that beginning tonight the students will have two pages of Math homework: one practice page of facts and one guided math homework. Please return both papers to school tomorrow. 

Because it is Columbus Day today, first grade did spend some time talking about Christopher Columbus and his discovery of the Americas. We wrote about what we would do if we found America and created a mural of his three ships. Here's a look at our projects: 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is picture day!!!

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