Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Visit from an Author!

Today was an exciting day in first grade. We were quite excited to meet Matt Novak today, but we had to wait until the very end of the day to do so. 

So, in the meantime, we worked on learning new things. We wrapped up our study of Jesus as a young boy going up in Nazareth. 

In Language Arts, we reviewed inflected ending words and our sight words before reading A Fox and A Kit. The students seemed to enjoy this nonfiction piece about a fox and her kit. 

In Math, we began learning our double facts. It helps that we have an awesome rap to say which will help us learn these facts. 

Then, it was finally time to meet Matt Novak. He began by having the students give him names of animals and places. Using these animals, he created a story for the students a drew pictures of the animals. He said that sometimes he thinks about the characters, setting, and plot before writing his story. Next, he had some of the students help draw a character and name. He said that sometimes he designs a character first and then creates a story around that character. The students totally enjoyed their visit as laughter filled the classroom throughout his presentation. Here are some pictures of the artwork he drew and the students did today. 

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