Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Trip Around the World

Today was a busy day of learning in first grade. 

It all began in Religion class where we talked about how thousands of people followed Jesus. We also continued to pray our rosary. This week we are praying the Sorrowful Mysteries. 

The learning continued in Language Arts class. We reviewed the sounds of short u as well as final blends. We both our knowledge to the test when we read Animal Park. Our story took us half way around the world to the Serengeti in Africa. We enjoyed our safari trip in this story; I hope you enjoy it too. 

The fun did not stop in Math class. We practiced adding 1 to a number using linking cubes. 

In Social Studies we talked about the various landforms on earth by making a shape book. We wrote the name of the landform on the front and drew pictures of what we would find there. On the back of each page we wrote the definition of each landform. Here are some pictures! The first picture shows the whole book. The following pictures show each individual page. 

We finished our day with Gym class. Today we payed "Good Ship Spark". On given commands, the students had to do various locomotor skills. Smiles were abound! 

As promised here is a picture of the Religion project we did yesterday! 

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