Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fun Times in First

Today was a great day of learning in first grade! 

We started our day with Religion class. We reviewed the story of Zacchaeus first by assembling a little booklet of the story and then by discussing what we would do if Zacchaeus came to our house. We talked about decorating, cleaning, cooking, setting the table, and wearing nice clothes. The students then illustrated four ways they would prepare for Jesus and glued them onto a house. 

During Language Arts class we reviewed our phonics skills for the week and practiced our sight words. It was then time to put our new knowledge to the test as we read Get the Egg! The students were glad that Brad was able to save the egg. 

In Math class today, we learned the last four double facts. We then made our own fact cards by writing the answers for the double facts on them. We will use these fact cards in school to help us practice and learn the double facts. 

Our focus today in Social Studies class was the world. We learned that continents are land and that there are seven continents in the world. We also learned that there are four oceans. We then created a map of the world. Take a look: 

Have a great night! 

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