Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fire Safety and More

Today was a fantastic day to end the week. We did not let the rain dampen our enthusiasm for learning. 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus helped many people because He loved them. 

During Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story Get the Egg. We reviewed short e and initial blends as well as our sight words. We also wrapped up our talk on Fire Safety by writing some fire safety tips. We then added a fireman to make a nice poster. Here is a sample. 

Speaking of fire safety, firefighters from Dauntless, Colver, and Revloc came to the school yesterday to review fire safety with the students. We practiced crawling under smoke, saw a firefighter all dressed in his gear, and even got to try on a fire hat and coat. 

In Math class, we used a balance to weigh objects to determine which one is heavier. 

During Science class, we talked about how animal parents take care of their young. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. In keeping up with our Halloween theme, we made witches' stockings. The students did a great job with this project. 

Have a great weekend! 

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