Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Monday!

Today was a busy start to this short week! Our day began with Music class which quickly woke us up and made us excited for the day ahead. 

Back in the classroom, we reviewed the Great Commandment and explored what it means to love God, love ourselves, and love others. 

During Language Arts class, we learned how to blend and read words with digraphs sh and th. We also talked about how to find the main idea in the story. In addition, we learned about nouns. Finally, in the celebration of Halloween, our writing project will focus on a trip to a haunted house. Today we completed a graphic organizer about things we see, hear, smell, and touch there. 

In Math class, we used pennies to help us add 1 to a number. By the end of class, we could easily find answers to adding 1 problems without using our pennies. 

In preparation for Red Ribbon Week, we began our drug education lessons today. We began by talking about what the brain does. By the end of our discussion, we had a long list of activities and came to the conclusion that it is important to protect our brain. 

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