Monday, October 7, 2013

Off to a Great Start

Today was a great start to our week. 

In Religion class, we talked about how Jesus loved all people no matter if they were young or old, rich or poor, or sick or healthy. To emphasize this point, we read the story of Zacchaeus. The students really enjoyed acting it out with a partner. 

In Language Arts, we learned how to read short e words. We also talked about the difference between realism and fantasy. In addition, we discussed the characteristics of telling sentences. 

During Math class today, we learned how to write number sentences for 'some, some more' stories. We discovered that all of these problems have a + sign in them. 

Today marks the beginning of Fire Safety Week. Each day this week, we will discuss some aspect of fire safety. Today we reviewed what to do during a fire drill as well as important numbers to know in an emergency. We also talked about when to change batteries in a smoke alarm and what to do if our clothes catch on fire. 

I hope everyone has a great week. 

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