Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Fever

Happy Friday! It is so hard to believe that another week of school has come and gone. It is also hard to believe that Easter is upon us. It feels like we just began Lent. Time sure does fly by. 

Our Friday began with Mass. Today, Msgr. reminded us of why we are off on Good Friday and encouraged us to attend services on this day. 

During Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House. We reviewed our phonics skills for the week (suffixes -ly and -ful and vowels in moon) as well as our sight words. We also took our test on the story. In addition, we reviewed adjectives that compare. Finally, we wrote our informative paragraph on ladybugs. 

Speaking of ladybugs, we released our ladybugs today. It was quite an event. The students broke out in song seeing "Let It Go". I wish I could have video taped that for everyone to see and hear. 

In Math class today, we learned how to solve a problem by acting it out and drawing a picture. In Science class, we wrapped up our study of sound, light, and heat. 

Our day ended in Art class. Today we made bunnies using cotton balls. They turned out beautiful. 

Have a great weekend! Just a reminder that Monday is our treasure show and tell! 

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