Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Snowy Day in April

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday was 70 and sunny; today it was 40 and snowy. I am glad that this weather will be leaving us quickly. The end of the week looks wonderful!

Today in Religion class we did an overview of the Three Days. We talked briefly about Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. We created a  poster with symbols for each day. Tomorrow and Thursday we will be taking a closer look at Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Here is a picture of our poster. 

In Language Arts class today we learned how to blend and read words ending in a consonant plus le (C+le) words. The students did a fabulous job blending the syllables and then reading the words. We also learned and practiced our new sight words today. In addition we wrote the topic sentence for our paragraph on frogs. We even had time to work in our literacy centers. 

During Math class today, we learned how to show various dollar amounts using paper money. I will say that the students are great at working with money. 

Just a reminder that we do not have gym class tomorrow because of Stations. 

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