Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

Greetings, everyone! I hope everyone had a blessed Easter. I also hope that the Easter bunny was good to everyone! 

We did have a great Thursday before leaving for Easter break. During Religion class, we talked about the events of Good Friday. We watched the video The Proud Tree and made crosses using our egg cartons. They turned out beautiful. Here is a look at some of them. 

During Language Arts, we reviewed rhyming words. We also wrote the concluding sentence on our paragraph about frogs. 

In Math class, we learned how to estimate and round a number to the nearest 10. We also used jelly beans to measure various objects. We measured a crayon, book, pipe cleaner, ten stick, and pencil. The students loved using the jelly beans to measure. 

This afternoon, because we reached our Lenten goal for Haiti, we watched Frozen. This was the first time that I have seen the movie and I loved it. The students were really good at not telling me what was going to happen. They enjoyed their afternoon reward. 

Of course, the highlight of the day came first thing this morning. When the students arrived, they found that the Easter bunny had left a surprise on their desks. It did not take them long to discover all of the wonderful things he left for them. Here are what their desks looked like. 

Again, I hope everyone had a great Easter. Just a reminder that the students are off tomorrow. The teachers will be attending a conference in Pittsburgh. Enjoy the day off! 

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