Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you enjoyed your Easter break. The students seemed well rested and were ready to learn today. I love their enthusiasm for learning. 

Today in Religion class we read the Easter story. We talked about what happened during that first Easter so long ago. 

In Language Arts today, we reviewed the sound of ow and C+le words. We also reviewed our sight words before reading our story Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! This is such a perfect story for Easter. The students loved how Little Chick tricked the dog. At the end of class we listed words to describe chicks. Tomorrow we will use these words to write about them. 

During Math class today we learned for new addition facts: 8+3. 8+4, 8+5, and 8+6. We will be working hard to learn these new facts. 

In Social Studies class today we talked about leaders in government. We identified the role of a mayor, governor, and president. We even learned the names of our governor and president. 

Finally, in Gym class, we played kickball and a round of 'Alligator, Alligator'. Smiles and laughter were abound. 

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