Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter is in the Air

Today was a busy day in first grade. The students are really looking forward to Easter! 

In Religion class today, we focused on Holy Thursday. We learned that before sharing in His last meal with his disciples, Jesus washed his disciples' feet. We talked about how this act is a reminder for us to always serve and help one another. We then remembered what Jesus did by washing each other's hands by pouring what over each other's hands. 

In Language Arts today, we did a lot of reviewing. We wrote sentences using ow words. We also practiced our Phonics skills by playing Reading Island on the iPads. In addition we reviewed antonyms by matching words together. During Writing, we wrote the detail sentences in our paragraph on frogs. 

Yesterday, we completed an Easter themed writing project. Students pretended they were bunnies and wrote about how they look, what they eat, and what they do for fun. Here is a picture of their writing. 

During Math class today, we learned how to add three one-digit numbers. We first add two numbers and then add the third. 

In Social Studies class we talked about why laws are important. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Jeans Day for students. Students are permitted to wear jeans to school since we reached our Lenten goal for Haiti. We raised $3,500 during the season of Lent. 

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