Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Gray Day!

Today was a good day in first grade. We could not get over how dark it was outside today. We were definitely missing the sunshine. 

During Religion class today, we talked about what happens during a Baptism. We learned that the Sign of the Cross is traced on a baby's forehead before water is poured on the baby. We also learned what the priest says when baptizing a baby. After all that learning, we role played a Baptism using a baby doll. The students are quite excited to find out about their Baptism. 

In Language Arts class today we reviewed long e: ea and inflected endings. We learned some new vocabulary words and practiced our sight words too. Then it was time to read our story The Dot. After reading this story, we learned that we have to try things before we can say we can't do something. 

In Math class today, we learned how to count by 100's. 

Social Studies class again focused on economics. Today we learned the difference between goods and services. Students were given a word card and had to classify it as either a good or service. Here is our chart. 

Our day ended with gym class. We again played kickball. The students enjoy this game and are getting a better understanding of how to play. 

Just a reminder tomorrow is a jean day. Students can wear jeans and a red or white shirt to school tomorrow. 

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