Monday, March 10, 2014


Happy Fiesta Day from first grade! Today was an exciting start to the week. 

Our day began with Religion class where today we talked about the Stations of the Cross. We reviewed each station and began coloring our station booklet. Tomorrow we will pray the Stations of the Cross. This will occur at 2:00 and you are welcome to join us. 

During Language Arts class today, we learned how to blend, read, and spell long e words spelled ea. The students did a great job learning this skill. We also talked about theme and adjectives for color and shape. 

In Math class today, we learned how to add 10 to a number. We first did it with dimes and pennies and then did it mentally. The rap we learned last week is helping us with this skill. 

Our fiesta today was a huge success! The students enjoyed the confetti eggs. They loved being sprinkled with confetti. We also had a pinata at our fiesta. Everyone got to take a turn hitting it before it was broke open. Their prize consisted of a plastic toy and a sight word. They had to use their sight word in a sentence. I will say I enjoyed seeing them leave with smiles on their faces and pieces of confetti still in their hair. Here are pictures of our pinata and some of the confetti eggs. 

Have a great night! 

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