Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring is Here!

Happy Spring! It is so good to say that winter is officially over even though it keeps snowing outside. At least we know that warm, sunny weather is on the way. 

Today was an action-packed day in first grade. During Religion class, we talked about how Jesus is the Light of the World and what that means. 

In Language Arts class, we reviewed long e: ea and inflected endings when a y is changed to an i. We had loads of fun during our sight words practice today. Sticking with the dinosaur theme, I hid bones with sight words written on them throughout the classroom. Students had to be dinosaur hunters and find them. In addition, we worked on our fluency by partner reading the story. Finally, we worked in our literacy centers. 

During Math class today, we learned how to count nickels. This was a review from kindergarten. Next week we will be counting nickels and pennies together. 

Please remember to return library books tomorrow. Have a great night! 

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