Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dinosaurs Hunting

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their week. It is so hard to believe that it is already half over. 

We wrapped up our study on the sacrament of Baptism today. We reviewed what happens during the sacrament and what we receive when we are baptized. 

In Language Arts class today, we reviewed our phonics skills for the week (long o: oa, ow and three letter blends) as well as our sight words before reading our story. The students loved Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter. They enjoyed reading about how Barnum Brown found a T-Rex in Montana. 

During Math class today we learned how to measure and draw line segments to the nearest inch. It took us awhile to get used to measuring with a ruler, but by the end of class, we were pros. 

Our focus is still on economics in Social Studies class. Today we learned the meaning and importance of buying, trading, and saving. 

Our day ended with Stations of the Cross. Have a great night! 

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