Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Still Snowing

Happy Wednesday! I could hardly believe that it was snowing today. I am so hoping that today was the last snow for the season. I am ready for spring. Plus baseball begins in 5 days! 

We had another great day in first grade. Today in Religion class we talked about making good choices. We also learned that it is not always easy to do that, so we need to ask God for guidance. 

During Language Arts class, we read our story The Lady in the Moon about the Chinese Moon Festival. The students enjoyed learning about a holiday celebrated in China. Before doing that though, we reviewed long i: ie, igh and kn- and wr- words and our sight words. 

In Math class today, we again practiced practiced subtracting a number from 10. The students really picked up these facts and are solving problems with ease. 

Our discussion today in social studies was why people work. We focused on workers in a factory. So students could better understand the idea on working on an assembly line, students participated in an assembly line activity. Working together, students assembled sandwiches; each one had something to add to the sandwich before it was completed. 

Our day ended in gym class. Today we did Rockin' Aerobics. They absolutely loved it and we so tired by the end of it. We sure gave our hearts a workout! 

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