Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Sunny Friday

Happy Friday! It was so nice to see the sun shining today. That bright sunshine made us all happy in first grade. 

We began our day by attending Mass. Today we were reminded of the importance of forgiveness. 

During Language Arts class today, we wrapped up our story The Dot. We reviewed our sight words, long e words spelled ea and inflected endings when a y is changed to an i. We took our test on the story as well. Since our story this week was about a girl who made pictures out of dots, the students were given the challenge to make their own picture out of a dot. Each was given a colored dot and had to use their imagination to make something with it. Ideas ran from flowers to people to robots. Here are some of the creative examples the students made: 

In Math class today we talked about measurement. Using both large and small paper clips, students measured line segments. We are working toward using rulers to measure. 

During Science class today we talked about the 5 senses. We talked about our different taste buds and where they are located on our tongue. Then, we did an experiment for the other 4 senses. Students were placed in groups and rotated between centers where they experimented with each sense. In each center, they had to use either their eyes, nose, fingers, or ears to guess what was placed in bags. The students did a great job with this and had a lot of fun. 

Art class today was inspired by St. Patrick's day. Today we made leprechauns. 

Have a great weekend! 

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