Saturday, March 8, 2014

We Made It!

We did it! We had our first full week of school since January. It felt so good to be back on a schedule. I know the students loved being back into a routine! They had an awesome week of learning! 

Our day began with Religion. Today we began our talk about the sacrament of Baptism. Today we learned that we became members of the church when we were baptized. 

Our focus then switched to Language Arts. We wrapped up our story Mama's Birthday Present. We reviewed our phonics skills long a spelled ai and ay and possessives as well as our sight words. We also took our test on the story. In addition, we reviewed adjectives. Finally, during the Writing part of class, students designed their own tortillas and wrote about what they put it them. 

In Math class today we practiced solving a problem by drawing a picture. 

We wrapped up our Dr. Seuss studies by reading My Many Colored Days. We then did a color experiment. Students guessed what new color would be made when we mixed two colors. We mixed red and blue to make purple, red and yellow to make orange, and yellow and blue to make green. Here are our new colors. 

In Science class today, we talked about my plate, the government's new version of the food pyramid. We talked about each group including foods found in each one as well as why they are an important part of our daily diet. Students were then asked to sort foods and put them on our my plate. Here is how that turned out! 

Our day ended with Art class. Today we made a mosaic rainbow and pot of gold. The highlight was adding glitter to the gold coins. 

Have a great weekend everyone! Just a reminder, our fiesta is on Monday. 

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