Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring is in the Air!

Greetings, everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend! Hopefully this is the last chilly weekend for awhile. 

Friday was a fantastic day is first grade. We began our day with Mass. The students are doing an excellent job at finding the song in the songbook and singing along. I love hearing them sing. 

Back in the classroom, we wrapped up our story Mister Bones: Dinosaur Hunter. We reviewed our phonics skills and our sight words before taking a test on the story. We also reviewed adjectives for size. Finally, students wrote the steps in a dinosaur dig. They did a fabulous job of using transitional words in their writing. They are truly becoming better writers. 

To go along with our story, students made fossils today. Using clay, they pressed seashells into it. I took the clay models home and baked them. Students will receive their fossils tomorrow. This will be a treasure they can keep for many years! 

During Math class, we solved a problem by making an organized list. 

In Science class today we talked about sound. We talked about things that make loud and soft sounds and how sound is made when something vibrates. We then did an experiment to see what sound travels better through: a solid, liquid, or gas. After the experiment we concluded that sound travels best through a solid. 

Spring was in the air for Art class today. We made flower gardens using cupcake holders for the flowers. Unfortunately, when I went to take pictures of the creations, my camera battery died, so I will be posting those pictures on Monday! 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

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