Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Greetings! Today was a wonderful Wednesday in first grade. It was full of prayer, learning, and exercise. 

We began our day by attending Mass for Ash Wednesday. The students were excited to receive ashes on their foreheads and compared them throughout the day. In our classroom, we will be following a Lenten calendar. Also, each student was given a white cross. Each day, the will have the opportunity to add a color square to it when they follow Jesus' way. The goal is to have a cross full of color by the time it is Easter. 

In Language Arts class today, we read our story Mama's Birthday Present. The students loved this story and are excited to partake in the fiesta celebration on Monday. They can't wait for the confetti eggs. 

During Math class today, we learned how to add ten to a number. We began by using our hundred number charts to help us, but by the end of class, we were able to add 10 in our heads. 

In Social Studies class today, we talked about the difference between needs and wants. We learned that we need food, clothing, and shelter. Wants are things we would like to have, but we don't need. 

We ended our day with Gym class. Today we learned how to play kickball. The had fun learning how to field the ball as well as how to run the bases. They are looking forward to playing this again next week. 

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