Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What a Beautiful Day!

Greetings, everyone! I hope everyone had a great day and enjoyed the sunshine and warm weather! It was so nice to see the kids playing outside before school and then again at recess. Spring is coming! 

Today was another awesome day in first grade. We continued our talk about Baptism in Religion class. We talked about the importance of water and how we receive God's grace when we are baptized. When we went to Stations of the Cross today, we were able to see the baptismal font. The students are so excited to learn about this sacrament. 

In Language Arts class, we learned how to blend and read words with inflected endings. Today we learned that before we can add an ending to a word ending in a y we have to change the y to an i and then add the ending. We also practiced our sight words and worked in literacy centers. 

During Math class today, we learned how to order numbers from least to greatest. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is gym class! 

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