Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy March!

Greetings, everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I was so excited that we did not get all that snow that was predicted. I am hoping that a new month will bring a change in the weather. 

Things are going great in first grade. In Religion class today we talked about Lent and how during Lent we pray, fast, and give. 

In Language Arts class, we talked about adjectives and practiced finding adjectives in sentences. We then wrote a topic sentence for our paragraph on the zoo. Next, we reviewed possessives and our sight words. We completed possessive phrases and then illustrated them and played Roll-an-Alien to practice our sight words. 

During Math class today, we learned how to tell time to the half hour. 

We continued our celebration of Dr. Seuss by reading There's a Wocket in My Pocket. After reading the story, we had our own fun with play on words. Students selected a place in the school and then added a blend to that place to create a phrase. An example is "There's a Groffice in the Office." Students had fun illustrating their sentence. 

We had a special prayer service today in honor of St. David of Wales, the patron saint of Msgr. Lockard. Students presented Msgr. Lockard with a prayer chain of prayers we have said for him. It was a special time to honor this patron saint. 

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