Thursday, February 7, 2019

Faith Family Fun!

Greetings! Happy Thursday! It is hard to believe that there is only one more day left in this week. It has been nice not worrying about the weather this week. 

We began our day with Language Arts for a change. Today we wrapped up our last week by taking our weekly assessment and reviewing when to use was and were in sentences. 

Then we began a new week of learning. We began it by learning five new oral vocabulary words (behavior, beneficial, dominant, endangered, and instinct). We then worked on answering questions about a text as we read a nonfiction piece about how animals work together. Next, we learned how to blend and read long e words spelled ee, ea, ie, and e. After that we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. With all of this new knowledge, it was time to put it to work. We read a nonfiction piece about how fish work together. Finally, we learned when to use has and have in sentences. 

We wrapped up the morning with Social Studies. Today we looked at the life of Abraham Lincoln. We listened to a story about when Lincoln was a lawyer and how he put important papers into his hat. We then wrote about what we would put into our hat. They were quite creative with this. Examples included candy, snacks, money, ice cream, and an Xbox. We added our writing to a craft. Have a look: 

This afternoon we met with our Faith Families to work on a service project. Each family worked on a craft which will be delivered to the patients at the Cambria Care Center. The students really enjoyed working with their faith families. 

We ended our day with Math. Today we reviewed all that we have learned with measurement. Tomorrow we will take our test. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow we have library. It is also a special jean day. Students are to wear jeans, their Christ is RICH in me shirt, and sneakers. Have a great night! 

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