Monday, February 25, 2019

Read Across America Week!

Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Mine was busy preparing for this week. I am super excited to celebrate Read Across America Week and am looking forward to Family Literacy Night on Wednesday. There is still time to sign up for Family Literacy Night. Please send in a note tomorrow with your child saying that you will be coming. 

We began our week with Religion class. Today we learned that a pastor is the leader of a parish. 

We began Language Arts by working in our literacy centers to build our fluency and comprehension skills. Then we jumped back into our week of learning that we began last week. Today we reviewed our oral vocabulary words. We then read long o words and words with open syllables. After that we reviewed our sight words and our vocabulary words. Then our focused switched to reading. We partner read a story in our decodable reader booklets. We also read Vulture View, a nonfiction story about vultures finding food. This afternoon we completed pages in our close reading companion that went along with the story. 

In Math class today we reviewed graphs. We analyzed the data on a picture graph, made a tally chart, and used a tally chart to make a bar graph. We are really good with graphs. 

Now, for some happy news! A few weeks ago we entered a piece into the Diocesan Art Show. Well, believe it or not, we took home third place! I am super proud of the students. Here is a picture of the certificate we received along with the artwork. Way to go First Grade! 

Just a reminder that Read Across America Week continues tomorrow. The students are to wear their Christ is RICH in me shirt to school with their uniform. They will also need to bring a book to share with their prayer partner. 

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