Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Student Appreciation Day!

Greetings! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone had a wonderful day! We sure did in first grade! 

We began our day with Religion. Today we talked about how the pope leads and cares for the whole church. 

We almost wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts; we have just two things to do tomorrow before we begin another week. Today we used our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We then read long a words spelled ai and ay and put words into ABC order. After that we wrote sentences using our sight words. We then reviewed dictionary definitions. Next we partner read a story in our decodable readers. Finally, we read a short nonfiction piece about bats and completed pages in our close reading companion. 

In between all of that Language Arts we took a break and headed to the gym for some activities. The students rotated between three stations: basketball, balloon races, and scooter races. They loved all three and had so much fun! 

In Math class today we continued to measure objects. Today we looked at objects on a graph and counted the units to determine their length. 

For the past week, the students have been working on a project for the upcoming Diocesan Art Show. Today, we put all of the pieces together. Check out our project: 

Just a reminder that Gym is tomorrow! 

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