Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Special Visitor!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. When the students walked in, there eyes got huge as they saw that the Easter Bunny had visited the classroom. It did not take them long to tear through the basket on their desk. That was such a precious moment. Here are some pictures of the baskets: 

After settling down, it was time to get to work. With today being Holy Thursday, we talked about what Jesus did at the Last Supper. We learned that he washed his disciples feet which shows us that we need to serve others. We also talked about the meal of bread and wine that he shared with his friends. Then, we took turns washing each others' hands as a way to help us remember to serve and help others just like Jesus did. 

In Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story The Lady in the Moon. We reviewed long i: ie, igh, silent letters kn and wr, long o: oa, ow, three letter blends, and our sight words. We then worked on our fluency by partner reading the story. Finally, we reviewed adjectives for what kind by locating them in sentences. 

Our Math lesson was an Easter themed lesson. We used jelly beans to measure different objects: a crayon, pipe cleaner, block, book, and pencil. 

We ended the day by watching Big Hero 6 since we reached our Lenten goal to help Haiti. 

Just a reminder that we have school on Monday. I hope everyone has a blessed and happy Easter! 

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