Monday, April 13, 2015

What a Beautiful Day!

Today was such a beautiful day. After the long, cold winter we had, we so appreciated the warm, sunny weather. It was so hard to come inside from recess today. I hope you were able to soak in some sun to start your week. 

In Religion class today, we talked about choices. We learned that when we make choices we need to remember and ask ourselves "What Would Jesus Do?" We know it is not always easy to make loving choices, so we need to pray to God for help in making good choices. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read words with suffixes -ful and -ly. We are really good at reading words with endings; we will be working on using these words in sentences all week. We also talked about finding cause and effect examples in stories. Finally, we learned about adjectives that compare. When we compare to things, we put -er on the adjective; when we compare three or more things, we put -est on the adjective. 

Math class today centered around fractions. We used our pattern blocks to identify one half, one third, and one sixth of a whole. We also wrote the fraction about for each piece. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the extra gym day. Students may wear their sneakers to school! 

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