Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April First

It is so hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of the school week. This week has just flown right by. 

In Religion class today, we continued our talk about the Three Days. We reviewed what we learned yesterday about each day and created a poster to help us remember these holy days. 

During Language Arts class, we reviewed long i: ie, igh, silent letters kn and wr, and our sight words. We then read our story Lady in the Moon about the Moon Festival. We learned all about what people do and eat during this special celebration. Next, we reviewed adjectives for what kind by locating them in sentences. Finally, we took our writing from yesterday and added it to a bunny craft. They are hanging in the hallway for all to read and enjoy. 

In Math class today, we practiced the new facts we learned yesterday: subtracting a number from 10. We used a wrap-up to help us practice. 

First grade did not attend Living Stations today due to concerns it might be too much for them. Instead, we reviewed the Stations in class and watched The Proud Tree. This movie tells the story of a proud, boastful tree who eventually becomes the cross on which Jesus dies on. It is such a great movie to show the Easter story. 

We ended our day with Social Studies. We talked about why people work and where people work. We focused today on factories. We watched two short films about factories. 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a jean day! 

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