Monday, April 20, 2015

Rain, Sunshine, and then Rain

Happy Monday! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the beautiful weather this past weekend. The students were so excited to tell me about their fishing trips, the circus, and the Father-Daughter Dance. It was a great way to start our morning. 

In Religion class today, we again talked about God's forgiveness. The emphasis today was on that God is always ready to forgive us. 

During Language Arts class, we blended and read words with the diphthong ow. The students did great not only reading these words but also spelling them. We also talked about the characters, setting, and plot of a story. Finally, we learned that commands are sentences that tell us to do to something. 

To end the morning, we had our treasure show and tell. I loved seeing and hearing about their treasures. They were so proud to share them with everyone. 

In Math class today, we learned four new addition facts. We call these sometimes the oddball facts since their is no strategy to solve them. We used linking cubes today to help us solve them. 

Have a great and dry night! 

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