Friday, April 10, 2015


Happy Friday! We had an awesome day to end the week. We began as usual with Religion class. Today we talked about peacemakers. We learned that a peacemaker is someone who works for peace. We are peacemakers when we are kind to others and say nice things. We are all going to try to be peacemakers. 

In Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story Peter's Chair. We reviewed compound words, vowels ew, ue, and ui, and our sight words. We took our test on the story. We also reviewed adjectives for how many by locating them in sentences. To end class, we did an activity with compound words. Working in groups, the students were given an Easter basket filled with Easter eggs cut in half. On each half was a word; they had to work together to build compound words. They did a great job with this. 

In Math class today, we learned about dollars. We talked about 1, 5, 10, and 20 dollar bills. We then practiced writing money amounts using the dollar sign. 

For Science class today, we wrapped up our study of sound, light, and heat. We completed a graphic organizer that highlighted everything we learned. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. We made chicks using Easter basket filler. They are quite cute: 

Have a wonderful weekend!

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