Sunday, October 15, 2017

Firefighter Visit!

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I am personally enjoying it spending time with my family. Friday was quite an exciting day to end our week. 

The excitement came with our firefighter visit. After showing the firefighters that we know what to do when the fire alarm sounds, we went to the gym. There the firefighters reviewed important safety tips like call 911, stay low, go to your meeting place, and check your smoke alarms. We even got to practice crawling low under 'smoke'. Finally we got our pictures taken with the firefighters. 

In between their visit, we did do learning in the classroom. We began our day by attending our floor's prayer service. Second grade led us and we prayed for help in being loving people. We also prayed the fifth decade of the Luminous Mysteries. 

Next it was time to wrap up our week of learning in Language Arts. We practiced using our oral vocabulary words in sentences. We then read short e words and words with inflected endings. After that we wrote sentences using our sight words. Next we took our weekly assessment. Finally, we practiced finding nouns in sentences. 

For writing today, we created a dalmatian dog. On each bone we wrote a fire safety tip. 

In Math class today we reviewed what we learned about addition and subtraction by completing some workbook pages. 

In Science class, we reviewed what we studied about animals by completing a graphic organizer. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. Today we painted, which was quite exciting. The students created a night sky filled with bats. They dabbed around the outline of bats using Q-tips. Once they were done, I peeled away the outlines leaving only the bats. I'll post pictures on Monday once the paint has dried. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

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