Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Today was a spooktacular day in first grade. It was a great day for a party! 

But, before we partied, we had some things to do. We began by having Computer class. After that, we went to Adoration. We always finding Adoration peaceful and calming. Today, as I was praying, I could hear the students saying their prayers to Jesus. That just melted my heart. 

After Adoration and a quick restroom break, we went back to church to practice for the All Saints' Day prayer service which is tomorrow. Today our eighth grade friends joined us as we prepared for this special service. 

Before lunch, we read Creepy Carrots. After reading the story, we brainstormed ways that we would stop the creepy carrots. We illustrated our ideas and wrote about them. 

Our afternoon was a Halloween celebration. We paraded in the cafeteria for everyone to see our costumes. We then returned to our classroom to play games. Thank you to the parents who came today. This afternoon we played I Spy, Zingo, and cornhole. We had so much fun! 

Tomorrow will be another busy and special day in first grade. We have Mass at 9:30. The prayer service is at 1:15. We hope you can make it! 

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