Thursday, October 19, 2017

Scissors and Glue Sticks!

"Scissors and glue sticks." That was a phrase repeated several times today in first grade. We did many hands-on activities today to reinforce what we have been learning. 

In Religion class today we continued to talk about the Great Commandment. Today we discusses ways to love ourselves and love others. To help us remember the Great Commandment, we created a giant heart. On little hearts, we wrote the Great Commandment to love God, love others, and love ourselves. Here is a sample: 

Language Arts class was full of learning and fun. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Next we reviewed short u words by creating a sun. On each ray we wrote a short u word. Next we reviewed contractions by matching the words to the contraction. After that, we reviewed our sight words by reading the word wall. Then our focused switched to reading. We partner read The Pigs, the Wolf and The Mud as well as a story in our decodable reader booklets. Next we read a short nonfiction piece about homes around the world and completed pages in our close reading companion. We finished the morning by writing the steps in how to carve a pumpkin. Here are pictures of the projects we made today: 

For gym class today, we headed outside to the playground. It was really pleasant outside today which made coming in a bit tough for us. 

In Math class today we learned about three dimensional shapes: rectangular prism, cube, sphere, cone, cylinder, and pyramid. We talked about which ones roll, stack, and slide. Please review these shapes at home! 

We ended the day with Social Studies. Today we talked about continents and oceans. We learned that there are seven continents and four oceans. To help us remember this we created a map of the world: 

Tomorrow will be an exciting day to end the week! There are lots of doings going on! 

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