Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Gorgeous Weather!

Greetings! Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful four day weekend. How about the weather today? It was such a nice surprise to be able to get outside for recess and enjoy the sunshine. What blessings God has given us! 

In Religion class today we looked at the Stations of the Cross. We took time to talk about each one and reflect on it. The students were then given a Stations coloring book which they will use when we attend Stations. 

Language Arts was full of learning today. We began by reviewing our oral vocabulary words. Next, we used our letter tiles to spell and read long o words. After that we learned how to decode open syllable words like taken and frozen. We wrapped up the morning by reviewing our sight words and vocabulary words and by using them in sentences. 

This afternoon we reread Go Wild and wrote the main idea and key details from the story. We then read our decodable reader and answered questions about that. 

In Math class today we reviewed the numbers to 40. We practiced writing the numbers, identifying place value, finishing patterns, and ordering them. We continue to grow in our numerical understanding. 

Just a reminder that Book Orders are due tomorrow. Have a wonderful night! 

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