Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

Greetings! As you can imagine, there was a lot of excitement buzzing around first grade today. The students were excited to pass out their Valentines and partake in our celebration. But, first things first, we had learning to do. 

In Religion class today, we continued to talk about Lent. We reviewed what we learned yesterday especially about the three facets of Lent (prayer, fasting, and almsgiving). To help us grow closer to God this Lenten season, we created our own Lenten calendars. On each day there is something you can do together. 

We wrapped up another week of learning in Language Arts today. We used our oral vocabulary words and vocabulary words in sentences. We read long e words and words with prefixes. We also wrote sentences using our sight words. We then took our weekly assessment and practiced writing sentences correctly. This was all capped off with work in our literacy centers. 

In Math class today, we continued our work with numbers to 40. Today we identified the number more or less than a given number. We also identified the greater number or lesser number when given a set of numbers. 

Then it was time for our Valentine's Day celebration. We did an experiment with candy hearts where we discovered that they sink when put into water. We also observed what happens to the hearts when we put them in water, soda, and vinegar. Keeping with the theme of candy hearts, each student was given a handful of hearts. They then took those hearts and graphed them. After that, they answered questions about their graph. We ended our celebration by passing out our Valentines and playing Roll-a-Lovebug. Everyone had a great time! 

Just a reminder that Lent begins tomorrow. We will be going to Mass at 9:30AM. 

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