Monday, April 11, 2022

Pronoun Flowers!

 Greetings! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Hopefully this was our last weekend of snow. 

In Religion class this week, we will be focusing on Holy Week. We began by listening to the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We learned that the people waved palm branches, shouted Hosanna, and laid cloaks on the ground for the donkey to walk on. 

We began Language Arts by working in our small reading groups. We then began a new week of learning; this week (and next) we will be reading about working together. We learned five new oral vocabulary words (conflict, argument, shift, fair, and risk). After that we worked on rereading as we listened to a fable. Following that we learned how to blend and read words with oo, u, u_e, ew, ui, ue, and ou. Next, we learned our new sight words and vocabulary words. We ended the morning reading Super Tools which helped us practice our new skills. 

This afternoon in Language Arts, we learned that pronouns take the place of nouns. We created a pronoun flower to help us remember this. Here is a picture: 

In Math class today, we practiced adding two two-digit numbers without regrouping. I am so proud at how well the students can solve these problems. 

Our Art project on Friday was a big success. Our Easter eggs turned out great. The students wanted me to put them in the hall for all to see. Here are some of our eggs: 

Have a great night! 

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