Friday, March 20, 2015

A Bunny Good Day!

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a good week. It was such a shock to see that snow today. However, spring begins today so maybe this was winter's last hooray. 

We began our day with Mass. Today Msgr. Lockard reminded us that when we pray the Our Father to pray those words with meaning and to follow what the words mean. 

In Language Arts class we wrapped up the story The Dot. We reviewed long e: ea and inflected endings. We also practiced our sight words before taking a test on the story. In addition we reviewed adjectives for color and shape by locating them in sentences. 

Today we read another Dr. Seuss book, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. After reading the story, we compared and contrasted this story to The Cat in the Hat

In Math class today, we used paper clips to measure line segments. We used both large and small ones. Next week, we will be using rulers to measure line segments. 

During Science class today we talked about light and shadows. We learned that a shadow is made when something blocks light. Students were put into groups and given a flashlight. They had to pick an object in the room, shine a light on it, and draw the object's shadow. They loved this. 

Finally, it was time for Art class. It was a sticky art class today. We made Easter bunnies using cotton balls. They are so adorable! 

As promised, here is a picture of a some of the dot pictures the students' made yesterday. They all were so creative with their work: 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

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