Thursday, March 26, 2015

More Dinosaur Fun!

Hello! Today was quite a busy day in first grade. I am always amazed at how quickly the time flies. 

We built on what we learned in Religion class yesterday. Yesterday we talked about how Jesus is the Light of the World. Today, we talked about how we can be light for others. 

In Language Arts class we reviewed long e: ea and inflected endings (when a y is changed to an i). We also reviewed our sight words by going on a fossil hunt. I hid bones with sight words on them around the room. Students had to find a bone; once everyone had a bone, students took turns using their word in a sentence. In addition to reviewing, we practiced building our fluency and comprehension skills. We worked in literacy centers and partner read our story. We then illustrated the steps in a dinosaur dig before writing the steps. Finally, we reviewed adjectives for size. 

During Math class today, we learned how to count nickels and pennies. The students did very good with this skill. 

For a special treat today we met with our 6th grade buddies. Working together they created stained glass crosses. They turned out awesome. I hope you like them! 

Have a great night!

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