Friday, March 13, 2015

A Full Week of School!

Today was quite an exciting day in first grade. Not only was it Friday and Art day, but it also marked the end of a full week of school. It was so nice to have some normalcy this week. 

We began our day at Mass. Fr. Brian reminded us that Jesus tells us to love everyone. 

In Language Arts class, we wrapped up our story Mama's birthday Present. We reviewed long a: ai, ay words and possessives along with our sight words. We took our test on the story. We also reviewed adjectives and practiced finding them in sentences. Finally, we did writing. We wrote the concluding sentence to our paragraph on why we love recess. We also designed our own tortilla and wrote what we put in it. 

We read another Dr. Seuss book today, If I Ran the Zoo. After reading the story, students drew a picture of an animal that they invented. They then gave it a name, told what it ate, and where it lived. 

During Math class today we solved a problem by drawing a picture. 

In Science class we talked about sound. We learned that sound is made when something vibrates. We also talked about how some sounds are loud and some are soft. Finally, we did an experiment to see if sound travels better through a solid, liquid, or gas. We found that it was loudest through a solid and softest through gas. 

Finally it was time for Art class. Today we made a leprechaun. Students colored a paper plate and then added a hat and beard. They are adorable. 

Have a fabulous weekend!

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